Bobby Pushkarna’s first directorial venture after producing Page 3 (2005), is a 15-minute short film titled Zindagi Bahut Khoobsurat Hai (Life Is Beautiful) which will be screened at the Court Métrage, the short film corner of the 66th edition of Cannes Film Festival (May 16-26). Zindagi... is about how Mumbai’s colourful life transforms the protagonist (Hemwant Tiwari) from a cold and negative person to a positive and self-sacrificing human being. It makes him realise that life is all about the choices that one makes.Pushkarna says the film, made under his banner Light House Films (M) Pvt Ltd, is an attempt to see things from the perspective of a destructive person. Talking on conveying his thoughts in 15 minutes, he says, “If I say it was a cakewalk, then I’d be lying. But I have put across my point. I wanted to hold a public screening, but the Cannes rules do not permit that. I may opt to have a theatrical release after the festival.”
Writer-producer Kavita Pushkarna, whose idea it was to send the story synopsis to Cannes, says, “My husband and I are now looking forward to being part of the festival, attending the events and interacting with the people.”
Music composers Salim-Suleiman say, “We had to make sure not to bombard the audience with dramatic music when it is actually silence that does the talking in the film. The powerful message in the story inspired us to take up this project.”
Still from the film
Bobby Pushkarna
Still from the film
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