Amrita Rao didn’t have a great start at work on Wednesday morning. The petite actress was in for a shock while shooting a train sequence at Habibgunj Station, Bhopal, for her new film, also starring Sunny Deol. While she was filming a scene with Johnny Lever and Sanjay Mishra, the train they were in, derailed. “Amrita was most shaken up,” says a source from the unit, adding, “The train was moving at quite a speed. So when it derailed, everyone in the compartment got jolted. Thankfully, none of them suffered any injury.”
Sunny, it is learnt was not in the train as he was going to embark at the station, for the later scenes. As a result of the mishap, the shoot was delayed by a couple of hours as the team, led by director Anil Sharma, moved into another train. Our source reveals, “Sunny didn’t want the day’s shoot to be cancelled. The railway authorities also cooperated, so we didn’t lose the day.” Interestingly, the second train was stationary, so the team shot with a green backdrop. It will be converted into a moving train sequence during post-production.
The train in which Amrita Rao was shooting, (inset) derailed from the tracks on location in Bhopal
Amrita Rao
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