Photographer Dabboo Ratnani’s celebration at a Bandra restaurant was a star-studded affair. Actors Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt were the first to arrive at the party. Kajol, rarely spotted at filmi dos, also made an exception. We saw her in an animated conversation with director duo Abbas-Mustan, who had directed her in Baazigar two decades ago. Vidya Balan and Hrithik Roshan were seen chatting like old pals, despite never having worked together.
Many of the guests were also seen congratulating the actress for her marriage. The camaraderie between Arjun Rampal and Hrithik made for some memorable moments at the party. Shortly after they left, Shah Rukh Khan entered.
Also marking their attendance at the celebration from Bollywood were Gulshan Grover, Luv Sinha, Madhur Bhandarkar, Aftab Shivdasani, Arjan Bajwa, Gauahar Khan, Evelyn Sharma, Kashmira Shah, Anu Malik, Punit Malhotra, Daboo Malik, Salim-Sulaiman, Ken Ghosh and Ashish R Mohan. Many from the TV and fashion fraternity too came, including Aamir Ali and Sanjeeda Sheikh, Rahul and Dimpy Mahajan, Narendra Kumar, Neeta Lulla and Komal Shahani. Many guests were seen indulging Dabboo’s children, who clearly seemed delighted with the attention.
Manisha and Dabboo Ratnani with their three-month-old son, Myrah and Kiara
Mustan and Abbas with Kajol
Arjun Rampal and Hrithik Roshan. Follo Hrithik on the go. Visit www.follo.co.in/hrithik on your mobile
Shah Rukh Khan with Myrah Ratnani
Vidya Balan
Madhur Bhandarkar
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