Playboy Enterprises and PB Lifestyle India Ltd, represented by Parag Sanghavi, Matthew Nordby, Gopal and Mandaar Dalvi, and Sahil Manchanda, hosted the launch of the Indian avatar of the Playboy Bunny in Mumbai. The Indian costumes, created with desi sensibilities in mind, also retain elements of the original costume, complete with the tail. Cyrus Sahukar, emcee for the event, amused everyone with his wit. Four cocktails named after the brand were also launched, which kept the guests in high spirits. Later, the bunnies modelled the various versions of the costumes down the years, in a show choreographed by Anu Ahuja. B-town names like Riteish Deshmukh, Sanjay and Maheep Kapoor, Ram Gopal Varma, Anubhav Sinha, Krishika and Sunil Lulla, Anushka Manchanda, Charu Sharma, Babita Malkhani, and Mushtaq Sheikh, were seen.
Imran Khan with the bunnies
Zeenat Sanghvi with a bunny
Matthew Nordby
Vivek Oberoi
Ekta Kapoor and Akshay Kumar
The bunnies modelled the costumes at the show
Parag Sanghavi and the PB Lifestyle team at the party
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